Activity Sensor
Move 4

Sensor for the acquisition of 3D acceleration, angular rate, barometric air pressure and temperature.
As part of the new sensor generation, the Move 4 activity sensor combines the previous benefits of the proven Move 3 with the 4th generation enhancements, allowing us to address a wide range of researchers’ needs, implement their requests, and further enhance the quality of the sensors. Thus, the Move 4 strengthens its position as the go to device for researchers who care about high quality data.
Sensor for the acquisition of ambient light, 3D acceleration, angular rate, barometric air pressure and temperature.
As part of the new sensor generation, the LightMove 4 activity sensor combines the previous benefits of the proven LightMove 3 with the 4th generation enhancements, allowing us to address a wide range of researchers needs, implement their requests, and further enhance the quality of the sensors. Thus, the LightMove 4 strengthens its position as the go to device for researchers who care about high quality data.

Light & Activity Sensor
Light Move 4
ECG and Activity Sensor
ECG Move 4

Sensor for the acquisition of ECG, 3D acceleration, angular rate, barometric air pressure and temperature.
As part of the new sensor generation, the EcgMove 4 activity sensor combines the previous benefits of the proven EcgMove 3 with the 4th generation enhancements, allowing us to address a wide range of researchers’ needs, implement their requests, and further enhance the quality of the sensors. Thus, the EcgMove 4 strengthens it’s position as the go to device for researchers who care about high quality ECG and Activity data.
Sensor for the acquisition of EDA, 3D acceleration, angular rate, barometric air pressure and temperature.
As part of the new sensor generation, the EdaMove 4 takes the proven quality of the EdaMove 3 and incorporates the most sought after improvements from extensive discussions with researchers in the field.